Founder Consulting Meerbusch

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Jetzt systematisch gecoacht werden wie unsere Kunden: Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Manager, die für Bosch, MTV, Lufthansa, eBay, Daimler, IBM, Axel Springer, Bilfinger, Deutsche Bahn, Die Zeit, Hugo Boss, Universal Music, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, ihre eigenen Unternehmen und viele mehr gearbeitet und ihre Ziele erfolgreich umgesetzt haben.

Certified Educational Institution

Benefit now from our more than 15 years of practical experience

Zertifiziertes 1:1 Coaching

Markus Lühmann coacht zusammen mit seinem Team effektiv Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Manager, welche bei mittelständischen Unternehmen, DAX-Konzernen und Fortune 500 arbeiten, und unterstützt sie ein erfolgreiches Business und eine nachhaltige, erfüllende Karriere aufzubauen und ein erfülltes Leben zu führen.
Unlock Your Full Potential

Rating-5 Top rated by Coaching Participants

„A good coach helps to try new things, to master difficult situations or to understand yourself better. He listens actively and asks clever questions. In this way, he helps to recognize new or different perspectives without giving answers himself. This often leads to real eye-opening moments, inspiration and solutions for the apparently unsolvable. A good mentor shares his knowledge that has already been tried and tested. He gives tips, answers and shares recipes for success. He actively helps to understand and solve problems. Markus does both excellently! I highly recommend him and his team at Wistor.“​

Tom KedeorAngel Investor, Director Consumer Business at eBay and, CEO of Motor-Talk GmbH, Europe’s largest car and motor community, sold to eBay (Handelsblatt).

„Super friendly, very competent and gives courage! Has helped me a lot.“​

Nadine Kramer Nadine Kramer, lawyer and founder of the law company Kramer. She studied law at the Free University of Berlin. Her legal clerkship followed at the Chamber Court Berlin. In addition, she worked at the Berlin Tiergarten District and Regional Court and was responsible for meetings of the Berlin State Prosecution Office.

„The coaching with Markus was successful. It gave me new insights and the support I needed. Despite my extensive professional experience of over 20 years in business, I had to realize again that you never stop learning.“​

Frank Lindner Founder of Frank LindnerCosulting. He was managing director at Bilfinger, Gegenbauer and Caverion. He has experience in management positions at various levels with over 1.000 employees and over 100 millions € revenue responsibility per year.

„I have had very good experience with the consulting and the coaching has always been very professional. Many thanks again for the support.“​

Markus von SchevenHead of Technology Consulting, Expert for Electric Mobility, M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering University of Wuppertal, and has realized projects at Continental AG for the automobile manufacturer Daimler as System Technical Project Manager.

„With his specialist knowledge, Markus was always able to give me a very good and immediately implementable answer to my individual questions and helped me to start my own business in a way that suits my personal needs and strengths. I can fully recommend him as a coach!“​

Dr. Verena DierschFounder Konnekt Reiki, editor of the magazine for foreign and security policy. Was a research assistant at the Chair for International Politics and Foreign Policy at the University of Cologne. Research stay at Cornell University in the USA.

„Very recommendable business coaching, which was individually tailored to my needs. Practical examples helped me a lot and made the coaching even more efficient. In addition, I was able to carry out the personal coaching part-time even on weekends in a short period of time. I would book this coaching again at any time.“​

Kristina HahlEurope, Middle East & Africa Business Director at SuperAwesome, she worked as Key Account Director Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central, WELT, N24 Doku at Visoon Video Impact GmbH & Co. KG part of Axel Springer SE.

„Excellent coaching! Markus had understandable answers to all my questions - and I had a lot of questions! Thank you very much, Markus, I can recommend you wholeheartedly and with a clear conscience!“​

Sven GoldmannSven Goldmann 30 years of experience as an editor, department head and reporter. He was as a sports reporter for the Tagesspiegel and the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT, has written FIFA World Cup reports and for Zeit Online, 11 friends, the magazines of Borussia Dortmund, BVB, UEFA Champions League winner, and VfL Wolfsburg
Unlock Your Full Potential
The experienced team at Wistor successfully helps in coaching many founders, directors and managers[/intern-linking]. From the foundation, growth to the optimization of their companies to lead a career and a fulfilled life.

Markus Lühmann

CEO of Wistor GmbH

Unlock Your Full Potential

Founder Consulting Meerbusch - Preparation for Future Success

In our individual business start-up consultation, all important and relevant contents are covered in preparation for self-employment. Here and during the entire process, we will work out the best solution for the founder of the business together with him in order to prepare him successfully for independence.. The entire concept is designed in such a way that, in addition to the validation of the business idea, the founder is systematically and realistically prepared for all further important phases in addition to the formal requirements for the foundation. Thus the participant has all the prerequisites for a successful start and is very well prepared in all areas.


Herausragendes Feedback über unser erfolgreiches Gründer- und Management Coaching

Unlock Your Full Potential

Erfolgreiches Coachingsystem

Unser Coaching System ist basierend auf der langjährige internationale Praxiserfahrung von Wistors Gründer und Geschäftsführer Markus Lühmann in seinen eigenen Firmen in Berlin und Singapur, bei der Deutschen Bank, Mercedes-Benz im Silicon Valley und vielen seiner Kunden vom SMUs bis zu Großunternehmen wie Samsung sowie aus über 10.000 Coaching Stunden mit Gründern, Geschäftsführern und Managern. Neben seiner umfangreiche Praxiserfahrung basiert sein theoretisches Wissen auf seinem Betriebswirtschaftsstudium an der University of California, Berkeley und der Universität München, wo er am Institut für Innovationsforschung, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship der LMU München gearbeitet hat.

Hoher individueller Kundennutzen

Wistor hilft im Coaching erfolgreich Gründern, Geschäftsführern und Managern von der Gründung bis zur Optimierung ihrer Unternehmen. Zu unseren Kunden zählen erfolgreiche Geschäftsführer, Gründer und Manager, welche sich mit ihren eigenen Visionen verwirklichen und für internationale Unternehmen wie Bosch, MTV, Lufthansa, eBay, Daimler, IBM, Axel Springer, Bilfinger, Deutsche Bahn, Die Zeit, Hugo Boss, Universal Music, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts und viele mehr gearbeitet und ihre Ziele umgesetzt haben.

Aktuelles Praxiswissen

Neben dem führen seiner Firmen und dem Coaching ist uns ein aktuelles, kontinuierliches Praxiswissen und Networking wichtig. Darum hat unser Geschäftsführer Markus Lühmann gegründet und organisiert zusammen mit seinem exzellenten Team Deutschlands Größte Digital Marketing Meetup, Digital Strategy, Marketing & Growth sowie viele andere Seminare und Events zum Marketing, Technologie und Entrepreneurship. Ihre Veranstaltungen wurde bereits bei SAP, Amazon, Zalando, BCG und vielen weiteren Unternehmen durchgeführt. Teilnehmer sind Gründer, Consultants, Entwickler, Manager und Geschäftsführer von Startups sowie von Siemens, Bayer, Rocket Internet, Microsoft, Dropbox, Google und vielen weiteren.
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Certified Educational Institution

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